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Hannemyr Nye Medier AS http://drupal.org/node/2484449

Organization credits Organization comments Organization members


Recent comments ( 3 months ) Total comments Recent credits ( 3 months ) Total credits
Recent comments (3 months): 62 Total comments: 4850 Recent credits (3 months): 47 Total credits: 1920



Oslo, Norway




About us

This is a small web design and hosting company located in Norway, with offices in Oslo and Porsgrunn.

We provide Drupal site development and customization as well as providing various types of website hosting, including web site management and support. We work with freelancers for tasks we cannot do ourselves, such as illustrations and custom artwork.

Our typical customer is an individual, a small company or an NGO requiring a secure and robust website supporting specific business objectives created to order, on a limited budget.

Our primary market in Norway. However, we can serve any location on the planet provided English is OK and you're OK with us working remote.

How I can help

We assist in all phases of your web publishing project - from ideation to daily management. If you already have a web site, we may provide daily management and support.

Free-lance opportunities

We're looking for a free-lance developer to re-implement an existing Android app creating using Android Studio to Visual Studio Xamarin to run on both Android and iOS. The app is currently using Grails as a back end, the new version should communicate with Drupal 9 (and later).


If want to contribute to our ongoing development of free modules for Drupal, you may do so by using this link to donate using Paypal.


We sponsor the development and maintenance of a number of contributed projects, including Advanced help, Anonymous publishing, Customerror, Fix teaserlinks, Flexi access, Freelinking, Node noindex, and Notify.

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: matt2000 Downloads: 62613 Stars: 7 SA coverage: covered
2 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 36845 Stars: 2 SA coverage: not covered
3 Maintainer: kbahey Downloads: 107709 Stars: 4 SA coverage: covered
4 Maintainer: mradcliffe Downloads: 69649 Stars: 8 SA coverage: covered
5 Maintainer: fago Downloads: 587072 Stars: 46 SA coverage: not covered
6 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 1568904 Stars: 16 SA coverage: covered
7 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 11857 Stars: 5 SA coverage: covered
8 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 2498 Stars: 3 SA coverage: not covered
9 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 22405 Stars: 4 SA coverage: covered
10 Maintainer: arvinsingla Downloads: 11086 Stars: 3 SA coverage: covered
11 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 12764 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
12 Maintainer: jmarkel Downloads: 32419 Stars: 19 SA coverage: covered
13 Maintainer: David Stosik Downloads: 25886 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
14 Maintainer: thmnhat Downloads: 26975 Stars: 10 SA coverage: covered
15 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 1677 Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
16 Maintainer: almaudoh Downloads: 448 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
17 Maintainer: free-radical Downloads: 52 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
18 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 160 Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
19 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 57 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
20 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 76 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
21 Maintainer: mcfdez87 Downloads: 947 Stars: 5 SA coverage: not covered
22 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 834 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
23 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: 158 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
24 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
25 Maintainer: gisle Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered