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Bluecadet http://drupal.org/node/1272170

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Northern Liberties, Philadelphia


Bluecadet is an interactive design studio that specializes in multimedia experiences that excite, engage and inspire. We build dynamic websites, installations and mobile applications for museums, non-profits, and universities. We are Drupal devotees, and have so far created nearly 20 sites in Drupal for influential clients from The Virginia Quarterly Review to the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program.


Bluecadet is primarily a design and interactive shop, and Drupal evangelist. Here are just a few of the sites we've created with Drupal:

Assignment Afghanistan

Virginia Quarterly, one of the nation's premier literary magazines, approached Bluecadet to produce Assignment Afghanistan, an ongoing, interactive reportage from war-torn Afghanistan.
Assignment Afghanistan features the stories and imagery of soldier and multimedia journalist Elliott Woods.
The site showcases original video, narrated slideshows and photo galleries. It boasts an interactive timeline, slideshow and video application which Elliott can use to populate in real time from the field. Thanks to its Drupal back end, the site has a public forum, in the form of an interactive map, with user-generated stories of Afghanistan and its people.

Press & Awards


The National Magazine Awards for Digital Media were established in 1966 and have long been recognized as the preeminent awards for magazine journalism. The Multimedia Package award recognizes the use of interactivity and multimedia in the coverage of an event or subject.
From U.Va. Today: "Thomas C. Skalak, U.Va. vice president for research, under whose office the [Virgina Quarterly Review] is housed, said, 'This national award, against high-level competition such as National Geographic, is really impressive.' "
VQR editor Ted Genoways said "These honors [are] welcome recognition of VQR's efforts to forge a new kind of storytelling for the digital era."


Websites, Consumer HTML and Other Products category


"The site features beautifully-produced multimedia videos and slideshows of Elliott’s reportage and an interaction map built on a Google map interface that plots his, and user-generated, stories geographically. Weaving together stunning stills, dramatic video and captivating audio, the pieces transport visitors into the field. In the hopes of fostering dialogue, site visitors can also contribute their own stories and comment on site content. "

Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site

Once the unhappy home to such notorious criminals as Willie Sutton and Al Capone, Eastern State Penitentiary currently operates as a National Historic Museum. The prison is now one of the most popular cultural attractions in Philadelphia.
Eastern State came to Bluecadet to create a website that would pay homage to its long and storied past, but also keep the public aware of its ongoing programming and activities. We designed and developed a robust and scalable Drupal site, integrating flickr feeds, a shopping cart and a custom multi-user blog.

Press & Awards


"The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet." The Eastern State Penitentiary was nominated in the Tourism category.


“Tourists and potential visitors can find information quickly and easily thanks to an information architecture divided into five clear and distinct categories (Visit, Explore, Learn, Support, Shop, Contact) for targeted browsing. Visitors can book tours online, purchase merchandise, and register for events; they can also learn about the colorful history of the prison and learn about ESP’s most popular event, Terror Behind the Walls—one of the country’s most renowned haunted houses. “

Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia

A Fresh New Look and a Powerful Drupal Content Management Solution
The Mural Arts Program is well regarded as one of the nation’s largest and most effective public arts programs. In its over 25 year history, MAP has created over 3,000 murals and educated over 20,000 underserved youth throughout Philadelphia. In 2010 bluecadet was called upon to completely redesign and redevelop MAP’s online presence to better capture the range and depth of its programs and public works.
The informational site was built using Drupal, and we partnered with Context for the implementation. The system was configured to allow staff members granular control over content specific to their department. It was also built to seamlessly integrate social media and their blog, and also to be SEO optimized. The experiential site, Mural Explorer, was built to give users an immersive and visually engaging space to explore the murals in detail as well as view associated videos, images and audio slideshows.

Press & Awards


Vital Voices

Vital Voices sought a complete overhaul of their online presence, selecting Bluecadet to not only redesign their site but to restructure and re-imagine every aspect of how they connect with their audience online.
The site includes dozens of custom info-graphics, an interactive map, extensive Facebook and Twitter integration, a robust blog as well as a scalable private social networking community for Vital Voices’ leaders. The result is a beautiful and scalable site which promotes and enables Vital Voices’s important and ongoing work.

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: pingevt Downloads: Stars: 2 SA coverage: not covered