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NuCivic (formerly Nuams) http://drupal.org/node/1444726

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Recent comments (3 months): 0 Total comments: 79 Recent credits (3 months): 0 Total credits: 9



New York, NY, USA


Argentina, United States


Headquartered in New York City and Madison, NuCivic (formerly Nuams) is a products company building, delivering, and supporting the "NuCivic" suite of "OpenSaaS" civic software solutions for governments and non-profit organizations worldwide. Our mission is to improve the efficacy of civic organizations and governments, by making innovative knowledge management solutions accessible at an affordable cost. We are dedicated to taking on projects that allow us to do good through good work.

NuCivic solutions are based on distributions (specialized configurations), of the Drupal CMS that runs many of the world's most complex civic websites. Thus, NuCivic incorporates technical innovation from more than 20,000 engineers that have contributed code to Drupal. NuCivic solutions are delivered as "OpenSaaS"-- turnkey hosted and supported software-as-a-service (SaaS), but still truly open-source, such that a customer can export their solution and redeploy it in their own environment at any time.

Our first NuCivic product is "NuCivic Data," the OpenSaaS service based on our DKAN distribution of Drupal. DKAN provides a full suite of open data cataloging, publishing and visualization features, and is feature and API-compatible with CKAN, the popular Python-based software widely deployed by many national governments. Our second product is "NuCivic Apps," a hackathon and app store management platform based on the OpenCivic distribution of Drupal.

Our consulting arm has served dozens of marquis clients including New York State, the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, NYS Attorney General, the Open Government Partnership, the Woodstock Institute, the NYC Public Advocate, Code for America, AIDS Walk, and the Personal Democracy Forum.

NuCivic is an Acquia Enterprise Partner, AWS, and Pantheon partner, and a proud member of the CKAN Association and the Drupal Association.


NuCivic's team have organized and given presentations at numerous Drupalcons (including 2010 San Francisco keynote), Drupal Camps and other related events such as CapitalCamp and DrupalGovDays in Washington DC. We have built and maintain two distributions, DKAN for open data publishing, and OpenCivic for managing hackathons and app stores. Modules that we have created include: Entity Fields Builder, Interwiki, E-Publish, Webform Locked Fields, Taxonomy import/export via XML, Whitelist and New York State Senate. We also have posted hundreds of issue reports and patches to Drupal.org. We also participate in the #drupal and #drupal-support IRC chats and sometimes offer advice to other users there.

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: Jon Pugh Downloads: 3398 Stars: 6 SA coverage: covered
2 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: 4012 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
3 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: 8452 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
4 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: 5664 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
5 Maintainer: Sheldon Rampton Downloads: 3235 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
6 Maintainer: Sheldon Rampton Downloads: 279 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
7 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
8 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
9 Maintainer: acouch Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
10 Maintainer: Sheldon Rampton Downloads: 1337 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
11 Maintainer: Jon Pugh Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered