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Halosys Technologies Inc. http://drupal.org/node/1485936

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San Franciso Bay Area, California, USA


Australia, India, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States


Halosys has majority of team distributed in California ( Santa Clara and Ventura ), India (New Delhi and Pune) and Singapore. We are a group of engineers passionate about transforming real life scenarios in Online and Mobile Solutions offering a unique blend of Creativity, Knowledge and Technology.

Our Web development team of 85+ experts together specializes in the Content Management System --Drupal

Our efforts on Drupal are focused on developing innovative and engaging applications over Drupal framework that are new in the market or something we believe can bring Return on Investment to our clients. We develop solutions, sites and applications by considering the latest development trends and techniques with a special emphasis on mobility.

Our genuine passion towards growing the community of Drupal and consulting our clients and partners for the application of Web and Mobile technologies is the key factor of our growth.

Our recent projects involve: ecommerce, community, Groups, Memberships, events, donation collection, developer zone, collaborative workspace and much more with help of powerful modules and 3rd party integrations.

Write to us: hello@halosys.com


  • Organizers of the Silicon Valley Drupal User Group : http://www.meetup.com/DrupalGroup/
  • Initiated a mobile focused group on educating how to make Drupal sites compatible with Mobile browsers and Apps in Ventura, South California : "WWW IN Mobile" http://www.meetup.com/Mobility/
  • Sponsor Partner to many Drupal conferences and events, Latest is BADCamp: http://2012.badcamp.net/sponsors/halosys
  • Drupal consulting Services Partner to University of California Santa Cruz helping them for various initiatives over Drupal in education sector.
  • Donate consulting hours to non profits and bootstrapped companies to scale up their project and product initiatives using open source Drupal

Presentation in SANDCamp San Diego Jan 2013: https://sandcamp.org/mobility-drupal-sites-strategy-modules-and-ecosystem

Projects supported

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