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Nohup Technologies LLC http://drupal.org/node/1677422

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Mountain View, CA, USA


Nohup Technologies is an open source development company that works with clients to build web-based products from the initial idea to revenue monetization.

Idea Generation

We help you brainstorm a new product, service, or store concept based on the value you deliver to the target customer, the features your product may incorporate, how much competition you have, and what you can charge.

Technical Implementation

We flesh out your initial idea in terms of specific business scenarios and UI prototypes. We use open source solutions to bring your product to life (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP / Python / Perl + Drupal / Django / MongoDB).

Beta Testing

Before hitting the market with a full product launch, we help you test the waters with a limited beta availability. We make adjustments where necessary based on the feedback. Your product is then ready to launch!

Product Launch & Marketing

We help you market your web product, service, or store over the Internet through search engines, social media, mailing lists and affiliates. We help you run ad campaigns that target your product's demographic.

Revenue Monetization

If your web product, service, or store is not doing as well as you want, we can help you generate revenue online and even offline. We can suggest tweaks to your existing business model to better connect with customers and give them reasons to buy from you.


We can assist you in keeping your website up-to-date with new content and technology on a regular basis. We can dedicate a webmaster to take the hassle out of managing your website, so you are free to do what you do best.



Drupal Association organization member
Drupal User since 2006 http://drupal.org/user/269763


Maintainer for the following Drupal modules:

Contributor to the following Drupal modules:

  • Vote Up/Down allows users to vote up or vote down on an entity
  • AJAX Picture Preview allows users to see a preview of their uploaded image
  • Content Profile users can create a profile which can be further extended by other modules
  • Node Convert provides ability to convert a node from one type to another


Creator of the LeanZine Drupal 7.x theme designed for news sites.

  • Drupal 7.x standards compliant
  • Uses HTML5 markup and CSS3 sexiness to deliver fast load times
  • Responsive web design based on a simplified 960gs 24-column grid


  • Created (and still maintaining) 9 websites based on Drupal developed over last 4 years
  • Portfolio: http://www.nohup.in/portfolio/drupal
  • Coded custom Drupal modules to add site-specific functionality
  • Developed custom Drupal themes from Photoshop (PSD) files
  • Implemented internationalization through Drupal i18n and related modules

Projects supported

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