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Krimson Drupal Architects http://drupal.org/node/1698536

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Krimson Drupal Architects is one of the foremost Drupal agencies in the Belgium-Netherlands region with offices in Antwerp, Ghent and Rotterdam (september 2012). We are passionate about making high profile Drupal websites and a range of Drupal services including Drupal Hosting and Drupal Support. We work on exciting and compelling Drupal projects for Suzuki, Natuurmonumenten, Syntra, Optima Bank and both the Dutch and the Flemish Government.

About Krimson Drupal Architects

We are an Agile team of 28 Drupal developers, designers and consultants specialized in Drupal Development, Hosting and Support. We use Scrum development for translating business objectives and global requirements into workable Drupal websites and online applications. We also offer Drupal audits, consultancy and training and are actively involved in the international Drupal open source community by educating about Drupal, organizing events and creating and maintaining Drupal modules, including Display Suite and Heartbeat.

Krimson Drupal Architects

ZĂ©nobe Grammestraat 34
2018 Antwerpen
info (at) krimson.be
[t] +32 498 41 66 99


Drupal modules including Display Suite, Heartbeat and many patches, fixes and updates. Organized and contributed to code sprints, organized community events and sponsorships for most DrupalCons and local Drupal events.

Projects supported

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