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ALCINET http://drupal.org/node/1777738

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Alcinet, based in France, provides clients with services ranging from website development to English translations and copywriting of business and technical documents. Our responsive and adaptive websites are designed to make them suitable for desktops, tablets and smartphones. The team is composed of native-speaking French and American writers. Our expertise: Drupal7, XHTML, HTML, XML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, ActionScript, jQuery, CSS, Flash and Adobe software suite.


We (Alcinet) are now a new community member in Drupal.org and Drupalfr.org and are pleased to share our experience with others in the forums.

We have already started "online support" in the drupalfr.org forum (an example is here, in French).

We also have posted 2 case studies (case study 1 and case study 2) to explain what we did and how we did it.

We are members of the community in Montpellier (France) (see here) and Alcinet was Silver Sponsor for Drupalcamp Soleil 2014.

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