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Arck Interactive http://drupal.org/node/1824824

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Portland, OR


Canada, United Kingdom, United States


Arck Interactive is a boutique web development agency focused on developing custom content management, community, e-commerce platforms. We are a full-service web design and development agency. Our projects come in all shapes in sizes: from small microsites, to heavily integrated, enterprise class social networks, to business intelligence platforms, to course management/edtech/lms platforms, to custom content managent systems. We work with an incredibly wide variety of platforms and technologies (too many to name, in fact). If it's out there, chances are, we've worked with it.

Agile/Scrum is our preferred SDLC (System Development Lifecycle) for most projects as it embraces rapid development and release of content for use. Each release provides constant feedback on the implementation of your platform/site and allows us to add additional functionality to the subsequent release, based on real-world use. Agile software development is iterative and evolutionary, flexible to change, and most importantly client and result driven. Agile allows us to build a valuable technology platform fairly quickly and constantly improve that platform throughout its life cycle.


The vast majority of the work we do is proprietary and belongs to our clients. If you are interested in looking at our work, please contact us and we'll be happy to walk you through some of our most recent projects.

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