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Morningtime Digital Media http://drupal.org/node/1894026

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Morningtime uses Drupal to develop scalable big data solutions for clients worldwide. We started around 2008 when Drupal 5 just came out. In all those years we finally specialized in big data, multilingual (i18n) Drupal sites for various industries, corporate and non-profit.

Now based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (previously in Munich, Germany) we focus on building multilingual search solutions using Drupal 7, Search API, Entity API, MongoDb and Apache Solr.

We can tie Drupal together with no-SQL solutions (such as MongoDb), or any other external datasource, using the Entity API from Drupal 7. This allows Drupal to handle, search and display humongous yet scalable datasets.

Please talk to us about Drupal + Big Data + Search + Languages. It's our specialty.


Published case studies:

Our latest Drupal start-up:

  • ShopCircuit (a product search engine built on Drupal 7)

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Went to DrupalCon Denver in 2012.

Projects supported

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