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Acelin Creations http://drupal.org/node/2195129

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Acelin Creations is a Mumbai based web design and development company. Having started off as a small web development company, we are now transforming into a more rounded technology enterprise with services ranging from web design and development to infrastructure setup and security services.

We believe in open source tools and technology and our solutions reflect that. Having worked with these technologies for a long time we believe in the potential that these solutions have to offer and not to mention the substantial cost savings in the long run.

At Acelin, our aim is to provide you with a one stop shop with respect to your online needs. Be it enhancing your current website or starting from scratch with a web presence. To top it all we not only help you build your online presence, we also help you ensure that it is secure.

Security is another one of our passion. With our web offerings we ensure that the solution we implement is built on a secure platform and has security factored in at the design phase itself.

In today’s Web 2.0 age where a website is not just a web presence but can double up as an online commerce option and a branding exercise in itself. The fear of your website being defaced or hacked is very real and by having security factored in right at the design phase we ensure that you are one step ahead in protecting your website from malicious attackers.


Drupal evangelist,
Active in Drupal Mumbai community,
Help in organizing Drupal camps in Mumbai
Part of all the Drupal Camps - Mumbai

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# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: rinashah Downloads: 1060 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered