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Blue Oak Interactive http://drupal.org/node/2333623

Organization credits Organization comments Organization members


Recent comments ( 3 months ) Total comments Recent credits ( 3 months ) Total credits
Recent comments (3 months): 7 Total comments: 652 Recent credits (3 months): 2 Total credits: 161



Asheville, NC USA


United States


Blue Oak Interactive is a Drupal consultancy that specializes in Drupal Commerce deployments. Our community efforts include helping maintain shipping and payment integrations for Drupal Commerce as well as regularly submiting patches for bugs found in contributed modules (under @andyg5000)

One of our specialties is getting slow moving or incomplete projects to the finish line. We are frequently presented with Drupal projects that are missing core functionality required for launch. Blue Oak Interactive works with the client to determine and execute the critical functional requirements for launch and deploys the live product. From there we provide ongoing support for these projects including adding new features and functionality.

We also provide consulting services for deploying your Drupal project on the right web stack. Whether it's the big players like Pantheon and Acquia or a home brew solution build on a cloud or bare metal host. We'll help you find the right solution for your budget and uptime requirements.

@andyg5000 can typically be found hanging out in #drupal-commerce IRC channel.


Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: fakingfantastic Downloads: 10926 Stars: 5 SA coverage: not covered
2 Maintainer: andyg5000 Downloads: 10077 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
3 Maintainer: Haza Downloads: 14565 Stars: 14 SA coverage: covered
4 Maintainer: andyg5000 Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
5 Maintainer: andyg5000 Downloads: 772 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
6 Maintainer: andyg5000 Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
7 Maintainer: nvahalik Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
8 Maintainer: doostinharrell Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
9 Maintainer: andyg5000 Downloads: 1081 Stars: 1 SA coverage: not covered
10 Maintainer: doostinharrell Downloads: 508 Stars: 8 SA coverage: not covered