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ActiveLAMP http://drupal.org/node/2455019

Organization credits Organization comments Organization members


Recent comments ( 3 months ) Total comments Recent credits ( 3 months ) Total credits
Recent comments (3 months): 0 Total comments: 92 Recent credits (3 months): 0 Total credits: 18



Los Angeles, CA


United States


ActiveLAMP is a full-service web development and digital marketing agency. We offer end-to-end digital services including strategy, design, development, and marketing, helping our clients succeed online. We help drive traffic and convert traffic into leads for our customers.

Our main purpose is to help our clients be successful on the web. That doesn’t mean we just build websites. We help our clients with vision and strategy, and then we execute tactics based on that strategy such as building a website, building a SEM campaign, or defining a sales funnel. We take our customers through discovery to get at the root of what we want to accomplish.

We have been in business for over 10 years. We employ 9 full-timers on staff, and retain a few contractors from month-to-month to keep up with the ongoing demand. Over the past 10 years we’ve had the opportunity to work with some very large organizations such as AARP, Scan Health Plan, UCLA, Riot Games, Cesar Millan, Ben Stiller and the list goes on.

Clients hire us to solve problems. We plan. We prototype. We design. We build and ship working software, tested by robots.


Tourney Module
Configuration Module
Host a (Drupal) meetup
Regularly speak at surrounding meetups
Lurk in IRC, mainly active in #drupal-la
Various patches on modules:
- Menu Minipanels
- Time Tracker
- Advanced Forum
- FB Likebox
- Panopoly Images
- Services Entity API
- Chaos Tools

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: tom friedhof Downloads: 226225 Stars: 2 SA coverage: not covered
2 Maintainer: tom friedhof Downloads: 3282 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
3 Maintainer: tom friedhof Downloads: 2711 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
4 Maintainer: dragonwize Downloads: 1306 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
5 Maintainer: evanjenkins Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
6 Maintainer: bezhermoso Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered