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Yamada Language Center http://drupal.org/node/2535306

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Eugene, OR


United States


We are the University of Oregon's resource center for language teaching and learning. UO offers regular (BA-satisfying) courses in 19 modern and classical languages, and additional instruction in 8 others.

The Yamada Language Center (YLC) supports faculty and students in Romance Languages, East Asian Languages, German and Scandinavian, Linguistics, REEES, Arabic Studies, and the American English Institute.

YLC is also the home for the Selfstudy Language Program, an innovative program for the study of less commonly taught languages—if 3 students or more suggest a language, we find a qualified tutor and put together a program.


Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: panthar Downloads: 6401 Stars: 1 SA coverage: not covered
2 Maintainer: kenianbei Downloads: 6539 Stars: 3 SA coverage: not covered
3 Maintainer: jzornig Downloads: 57295 Stars: 4 SA coverage: covered
4 Maintainer: kenianbei Downloads: 5080 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
5 Maintainer: kenianbei Downloads: 36 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
6 Maintainer: kenianbei Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered