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Allegiance Group http://drupal.org/node/2632014

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Recent comments ( 3 months ) Total comments Recent credits ( 3 months ) Total credits
Recent comments (3 months): 1 Total comments: 8 Recent credits (3 months): 1 Total credits: 7



2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 925, Arlington, VA 22201


United States


Since 2001, Allegiance Group (formerly Beaconfire RED) has partnered with more than 300 clients across a wide range of nonprofit fields: non-governmental organizations, charities, advocacy organizations, foundations and associations. All of them are leaders in their field. Our goal is to help our clients grow and engage their constituencies to make a difference through the intelligent and effective use of online technologies.

We have built more than 250 websites, and integrated with hundreds of different platforms, tools and custom databases. Our philosophy is that technologies are successful only to the degree that they support a client goal. It is your business goals and needs that matter most and we seek solutions that are best for your unique situations.

We have implemented multiple CMS systems, including Drupal, for our sites and have evaluated many others.

We have deep knowledge and experience including:

  • Full project life cycle support including project management, user experience design, information architecture, creative design, and development
  • Large-scale builds
  • Multi-site implementations
  • Scripted content migration
  • Accessibility and Section 508 compliance
  • Integration with third party systems, including:
  • Association Management Systems (e.g. Personify, iMIS, Association Anywhere)
  • eCRM systems (e.g. Luminate Online, Blue State Digital, Engaging Networks, Salesforce, Salsa)
  • Numerous other tools, databases, and platforms (e.g. GIFTS, BlueSky, Constant Contact, MailChimp, SilverPop, Elgg, Forefield)
  • Donations and E-commerce integration
  • Responsive design
  • Data visualization
  • SEO
  • Custom functionality development, including apps and modules

Our recent Drupal work includes websites for the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Sleuk Rith Institute, Foundation Center’s Glasspockets, the Ad Council and Working America Health Care. For more information about our work, go to https://teamallegiance.com/case-studies or email us at https://teamallegiance.com/contact-us


Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: aveach.bfr Downloads: Stars: 5 SA coverage: not covered