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Cyber-Duck http://drupal.org/node/3074959

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Recent comments (3 months): 45 Total comments: 476 Recent credits (3 months): 24 Total credits: 197



United Kingdom


United Kingdom, Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa


CACI Digital Experience, formerly Cyber-Duck, design, build and manage Drupal solutions that empower your people and business. Combining people-centred Service and UX/UI Design with 125+ years combined Drupal development experience to deliver what your enterprise really needs from its content platform.

Our 200-strong team of strategists, service designers, UX & UI creatives, developers and engineers leverage the pioneering human-centred design and Drupal innovation capabilities of Cyber-Duck, acquired by CACI in 2023. An approach that lets us create award-winning accessible, bespoke, enterprise-scale Drupal solutions that solve complex business challenges and provide a brilliant content publishing experience delighting diverse end users for organisations like the Commonwealth, Bank of England, Sport England, Dexcom, Cabinet Office and the College of Policing.

Our dedication to inclusive design has seen us recognised by Acquia as their Accessibility Partner of the Year, as well as an Acquia Preferred and Certified Drupal Cloud Partner. As well as our digital solutions meeting the UK GDS Service Standards at Discovery, Alpha and Beta.

Talk to CACI about your project

How we work to support you

All our work with Drupal is undertaken in a transparent, collaborative way, so you know what we’re working on and why, regardless of your project’s size or scope. To ensure your Drupal platform performs on all fronts, our multiple ISO-accredited delivery approach includes human-centred design, security and sustainability, and best practice standards in Accessibility, SEO and Google Analytics.

Our key Drupal services include:

  • Website consolidation and multi-sites – redesigning your disparate web estate onto a more streamlined, sustainable, cost-effective platform. This also includes a variety of Drupal multi-site configurations that leverage a single Drupal platform across multiple websites with different UI/design, numerous different language websites via automated translation or tailored to individual teams looking after content in their own region.
  • Upgrades and migrations to Drupal 10 – we’ve taken multiple Drupal sites from Drupal 7, and from other CMS like WordPress and Silverstripe in a structured, end-to-end process that retains the best of your existing site, while making it future-ready and fit for your business
  • Designing brilliant services – through inclusive user research, and deep data and business analysis, we advise – and then build – services that can transform and deliver value to your organisation and meet your customers’ needs
  • Accessibility by design – whether it’s WCAG 2.2 or American Disability Act compliance, as IAAP members, we can identify improvements and make your Drupal platform compliant and work for all
  • Publishing experience – our team work with you to understand how your editors, publishers and marketing team need to author, edit and publish content to create strong content governance from the outset. We build an intuitive editing experience that works for your teams, with technical and design guardrails put in place to ensure strong structured and meta data to support SEO, that the website stays on brand and the team generate accessible content, utilising the very best tools available such as CK Editor 5, Layout Builder, Paragraphs, or Acquia Site Studio to name but a few
  • Acquia expertise – as an Acquia Preferred and Acquia Certified Drupal Cloud Partner, we can supercharge your platform’s user engagement with tools such as Site Studio, Site Factory, Personalisation, Digital Asset Management, Campaign Studio and more besides. Many of our developers are Acquia Certified individually
  • Drupal DevOps & maintenance – our team of platform engineers keep your platform secure and stable across AWS, MS Azure and Acquia Cloud. Our application specialists will ensure Drupal is regularly updated and security fixes are applied quickly. Our own Site Guardian modules that we support for the community, allow us to check that all our client’s websites are always up-to-date; we never miss a Drupal security patch and plan for end-of-life scenarios

To learn more about our services and how we can help you with your Drupal project:

Visit our website


Our team are passionate thought leaders and innovators in Drupal. We regularly sponsor and speak at DrupalCon, both in the United States and Europe; publish Drupal content on our blog, and host regular webinars with our Drupal experts and partners like Acquia, particularly around inclusive design and how to integrate UX design into Drupal projects.

Our Drupal Innovation Programme (“DRIP") is an integral part of our weekly schedule, and ensures that we actively commit contribute patches back to the community and create new modules supporting our Four Pillars of:

  1. Security - Honeypot, Guardr Core and Password Policy
  2. Sustainability and Performance - Site Guardian
  3. Accessibility - Project Browser
  4. And of course a great Content authoring experience - Gin Layout Builder and Moderation Dashboard

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: WorldFallz Downloads: 33174 Stars: 7 SA coverage: covered
2 Maintainer: danielb Downloads: 734946 Stars: 16 SA coverage: covered
3 Maintainer: luketsimmons Downloads: 6321 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
4 Maintainer: xibun Downloads: 2456 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
5 Maintainer: agentrickard Downloads: 26443 Stars: 6 SA coverage: not covered
6 Maintainer: josueggh Downloads: 13079 Stars: 3 SA coverage: covered
7 Maintainer: ericduran Downloads: 250180 Stars: 16 SA coverage: covered
8 Maintainer: phayes Downloads: 503170 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
9 Maintainer: wuinfo Downloads: 5858 Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
10 Maintainer: czigor Downloads: 4572 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
11 Maintainer: Jeff Burnz Downloads: 68304 Stars: 11 SA coverage: covered
12 Maintainer: rgkimball Downloads: 1860 Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
13 Maintainer: svendecabooter Downloads: 12798 Stars: 5 SA coverage: covered
14 Maintainer: i-trokhanenko Downloads: 127082 Stars: 36 SA coverage: covered
15 Maintainer: neerajskydiver Downloads: 1440 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
16 Maintainer: skullhole Downloads: 4210 Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
17 Maintainer: mlncn Downloads: 1179 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
18 Maintainer: TechNikh Downloads: 2110 Stars: 1 SA coverage: not covered
19 Maintainer: feyisayo Downloads: 860 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
20 Maintainer: aritra.ghosh Downloads: 594 Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
21 Maintainer: keopx Downloads: 11528 Stars: 7 SA coverage: not covered
22 Maintainer: aayushi2601 Downloads: 1834 Stars: 6 SA coverage: not covered
23 Maintainer: elijahoyekunle Downloads: 614 Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
24 Maintainer: Fondy Downloads: 879 Stars: 2 SA coverage: not covered
25 Maintainer: imalabya Downloads: 102 Stars: 2 SA coverage: covered
26 Maintainer: dchaffin Downloads: 126 Stars: 1 SA coverage: not covered
27 Maintainer: i-trokhanenko Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: covered
28 Maintainer: i-trokhanenko Downloads: Stars: 1 SA coverage: covered
29 Maintainer: rudam Downloads: Stars: 1 SA coverage: not covered
30 Maintainer: AlvaroDeMendoza Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered