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CBE Digiden http://drupal.org/node/3097432

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For now more than 20 years CB.e DIGIDEN has been a communications agency in Berlin with a strong digital unit. We are experts for innovative and contemporary digital communication solutions. Our team consists of 30 minds which are conceptioners, consultants, UX experts, interface designers and developers. Among our clients are large and medium-sized companies as well as for public institutions.

Service and Approach

Accompanying the constant change in the digital world, we develop sustainable strategies that adapt new influences and aim to constantly optimize our solutions.
By taking the user’s perspective we aim to create acceptance. We therefore develop tailor-made content. With a lot of creativity and care, our team develops media touchpoints with contemporary interface designs across all digital channels. In doing so, we extend the entire process. Beginning from a strategy, through the implementation process up to detailed quality assurance. We develop applications, platforms and websites since 2009 in Drupal. Our focus is on the implementation of content distribution and workflows, communities and multi-language environments.


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