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Bright Plum, Inc. http://drupal.org/node/3105399

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Recent comments (3 months): 0 Total comments: 53 Recent credits (3 months): 0 Total credits: 31



Chicago, IL




Bright Plum, Inc. is a boutique minority-owned web firm with over 15 years of experience serving enterprise, small business, and non-profits with custom-built web platforms, ecommerce solutions, and web sites.

We provide:

  1. Web Platform Development: Combine a great website for your customers with a cutting-edge Drupal platform to manage your business.
  2. Project Consulting & Strategy: Need a RFP reviewed? Want to talk through best practices? We have over 15 years of working with projects and teams of all sizes.
  3. Developer Team Augmentation: As a group of freelancers, we can embed with your team and enhance your backend and frontend Drupal capabilities.

All of our team members are Acquia Certified.


Contributions include the D7 version of the State Machine module. We also hang out in the #commerce and #gatsbyjs Slack channels.

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