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Drupal France & Francophonie http://drupal.org/node/3125814

Organization credits Organization comments Organization members


Recent comments ( 3 months ) Total comments Recent credits ( 3 months ) Total credits
Recent comments (3 months): 1 Total comments: 45 Recent credits (3 months): 1 Total credits: 25



Paris, France





"Drupal France & Francophonie" meaning "Drupal France and French Speakers" is a non-profit organization, founded in 2009 from the project to gather Drupal enthusiasts and, as a legal entity, help them to realize projects in all French speaking countries around the world.

The goals of our association

  • Promotion of education and training in the field of free and open source software, especially Drupal
  • Translating Drupal in French
  • Facilitation of events

You can meet us on

  • Our website: drupal.fr
  • Our Slack Workspace: HERE (Almost French speakers only)


Everyday contributions

Our members, involved in the Drupal Community are known for:
- Translating Drupal Core and contrib modules, and even books
- Giving support on IRC, Drupal Forum and recently dedicated Slack channels
- Organizing local events: Meetups, Drink'n Drupal, DrupalCamps, DrupalCon and Drupal Dev Days.

Events we organized

  • Drupalcon Paris 2009
  • Drupalcamp Paris 2010
  • Drupalcamp Lyon 2010
  • Drupalcamp Nantes 2011
  • Drupalcamp Paris 2011
  • Drupalcamp Toulouse 2011
  • Drupalcamp Lyon 2012
  • Drupalcamp Paris 2013
  • Drupalcamp Montpellier 2014
  • Drupal Developer Days Montpellier 2015
  • Drupalcamp Nantes 2016
  • Drupalcamp Lannion 2017
  • Drupalcamp Paris 2019

Projects supported

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