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Agence Web CoherActio http://drupal.org/node/3265553

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Since 2008, Agence Web CoherActio, Web Agency in Paris, accompanies its customers in the creation and realization of their digital projects.

Composed of consultants, creatives and senior developers, we are a team of Drupal experts dedicated to the success of their Internet strategy.

Whether they are large companies, SMEs or associations, we help our customers on every stags of their website or web application creation project: strategic positioning, functional and technical specifications, UX and design, development and maintenance, analytics and SEO.

Our Drupal services comprise:

  • Business and technical consulting
  • Drupal website development
  • Drupal / Flutter decoupled application development
  • Hosting and DevOps

Our lastest Drupal reference :

Agence Web Coheractio - designed and developed the new website for the French Finance Association AFFI.The new website has been developed on Drupal 9.
In addition to public section, it offers a section restricted to AFFI members. New and existing members can manage their subscription in full autonomy using Drupal 9 customized e-commerce membership subscription capabilities :

  • Individual subscription.
  • Organization multi-subscription.
  • Online payment and proforma.
  • Subscription renewal handling.

As part of the project, Agence Web Coheractio handled the migration of the content and membership data from the former website to Drupal 9 website.

Key customers :

  • Axa Assistance (Specialist in emergency interventions)
  • Conseil SupĂ©rieur de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables (Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants)
  • Avere France (French national association for the development of electric mobility)
  • FIDI (International Federation of International Movers)


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