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Chicken http://drupal.org/node/3284426

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Recent comments (3 months): 8 Total comments: 28 Recent credits (3 months): 4 Total credits: 14





Chicken is a drupal-powered web agency, founded by three Experienced Drupal Developers and Designers, who have created many sites you might have heard of. The three founders have their own individual consulting companies but work together to deliver whole projects as Chicken.

We're working with Hammersmith and Fulham council to build their website on LocalGov Drupal and would love to build more websites like this. As well as sites for the European Commission for energy and environment subjects.

Justine was part of the team that delivered Recycle Now and Chatham House at Torchbox. Working with WRAP at both Torchbox and Code Enigma. She's creating Air Quality website designs for Local Authorities and helping LocalGov Drupal make a content editor friendly microsite platforms.

Rupert was part of the team that delivered Independent Age at Torchbox. Also working as a contractor Ricardo Energy and Environment and Focusrite where he built mission critical product registration application, built in Drupal 8.


Individually we've each got 15+ years of Drupal contributions, having organised many different events from user groups to Frontend United.

We are active in Drupal-UK slack and are always willing to help out with problems where we can.

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