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AHO - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design http://drupal.org/node/3316258

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The Oslo School of Architecture and Design is an autonomous institution within the Norwegian university system. The School offers a unique research-based education with a strong international standing within the fields of architecture, urbanism, design, and landscape architecture.

AHO offers three full-time master's programmes: Master of Architecture, Master of Design and Master of Landscape Architecture – the last programme is offered in Oslo and at the Arctic University in Tromsø. The school also offers post-professional Master's courses in Urbanism and Architectural Conservation. AHO offers a single type of doctoral degree, the Doctor of Philosophy.

AHO uses Drupal for managing the main university website.


AHO is a keen end user of the Gutenberg module and some of the university's requirements led to contributions on Gutenberg and various other Drupal modules.

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