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Bergwaldprojekt e.V. http://drupal.org/node/3391914

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The Bergwaldprojekt e.V. has been committed for 30 years with thousands of volunteers every year to the protection, preservation, care and maintenance of the forest, in particular the mountain forest and the cultural landscapes, and to the promotion of an understanding of the interrelationships in nature, the concerns of the forest and the dependence of humans on these bases of life. To this end, the Bergwaldprojekt works in project weeks with volunteers in forests, peatlands and open-air biotopes at various locations in Germany. The aim of the work assignments is

  • to preserve the manifold functions of the ecosystems,
  • to make the participants aware of the importance and the threat to our natural resources and
  • to motivate the general public to use natural resources in a way that is compatible with nature.


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