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University of Eastern Finland http://drupal.org/node/3397607

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Kuopio&Joensuu, Finland


The University of Eastern Finland is the most multidisciplinary university in Finland. Our high standard of interdisciplinary research and education respond to global challenges and build a sustainable future. Our research is ranked among the best in the world in several fields. We offer education in nearly 100 major subjects and we train experts for tomorrow’s changing labour market needs.

The University of Eastern Finland was established in 2010, following a decision by the University of Joensuu (est. 1969) and the University of Kuopio (est. 1972) to join forces in a merger. The university comprises four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. Our campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio.


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