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True Summit http://drupal.org/node/3406114

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North Carolina, US


As a one man agency led by an experienced Drupal specialist, True Summit excels in delivering top tier Drupal solutions with a personalized touch in every endeavor.

From intricate Drupal development and architecture to strategic project delivery and robust support, True Summit offers a comprehensive suite of services. This includes technical architecture, custom module development, theme creation, performance optimization, and continuous website maintenance. Emphasizing security, scalability, and innovative solutions, True Summit ensures that each project is not just completed but well positioned to handle current and future business objectives.

Whether it’s rescuing a derailed project, integrating complex systems, or deploying a seamless Ecommerce platform, I approach each challenge with a blend of technical expertise and creative problem solving.

Ready to elevate your Drupal project? Connect with me today to start your journey to digital success.


With a decade of Drupal community experience I am committed to the open source nature of Drupal and regularly contribute back. I've contributed to 50+ Drupal issues across Drupal Core, Acquia modules, and other community modules. You can find me in various slack channels, as ctrlADel, where I participate in conversations around commerce, single directory components, layout builder, and many others. You may also see me speaking at your local North America Drupal Camps like Florida Camp, Asheville Camp, MidCamp, or NEDCamp.

Projects supported

# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: ctrlADel Downloads: Stars: 0 SA coverage: not covered
2 Maintainer: ctrlADel Downloads: Stars: 3 SA coverage: not covered
3 Maintainer: ctrlADel Downloads: Stars: 2 SA coverage: not covered