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Piwik PRO http://drupal.org/node/3457007

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What is Piwik PRO

Piwik PRO is a privacy-first platform that offers the advanced analytics features while allowing for full control of data. It provides flexible reports and data collection in addition to consent management, tag management and a customer data platform.


Collect data across websites, apps, digital products and post-login areas. Customize how data is collected and analyze it with built-in audience, behavior, acquisition and conversion reports. Dive deeper with custom reports and access to raw data.

Tag Manager

Add flexible tags to your analytics stack without hiring an IT team to do it. Quickly create, test and deploy tags from templates or with custom code. Coordinate tag behavior with Analytics, Customer Data Platform and Consent Manager to fit any data collection approach.

Customer Data Platform

Build customer profiles, segment audiences and create insightful single customer views. Quickly populate the profiles using data collected with the help of Analytics and Tag Manager. Set up Consent Manager so data is only collected data when there is specific consent for it.


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# Project Maintainer Downloads Stars SA coverage
1 Maintainer: JoshaHubbers Downloads: Stars: 3 SA coverage: not covered